
True Repentance

Imagine someone came up and smacked you in the face. They apologized to you and you truly forgave them. Then the next time you saw them, that person came back and smacked you in the face again. Even though they say sorry, you know by now that they don't really mean it.

Acts 20:26 ~ First to those in Damascus, then those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God, and prove their repentance by their deeds.

Even though we ask forgiveness from God, there are some people who don't truly mean it. Some people repent, and go back doing the same thing that they asked forgiveness for. So we go to God and say we're sorry, but then the next day, we smack God in the face by doing the same thing we wanted forgiveness for. God knows if we are really saying sorry and if we aren't and he won't forgive us. No matter how much we cry, or cry out to God, we won't be forgiven unless we truly mean it.

Repent ~ ask for forgiveness, and turn away from

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