

Believe you are beautiful. If you don't, then no one will and that's how they will treat you. Beauty also comes from inside of you.

1.) Smile ~ Be sincere and smile. You can encourage others by smiling even if you don't know.

2.) Help Others ~ Helping others shows a way of kindness. People will see that and like you for it. Even the littlest things will mean the most to anyone.

3.) Attitude ~ This is something I constantly struggle with, but also getting better at. One thing that I do to control my attitude is to take a HUGE breath. If that doesn't work, I walk away from the situation. If people see that you're walking around with an attitude all the time, they're not going to want to associate with you.

4.) Believe ~You have to believe in your heart that you are beautiful. No one can tell you that your ugly because they didn't create you and God makes no mistakes. Everything he has created is beautiful. If people look down on you, it's because you have something they don't, or they're walking around with a lot of bitterness in their heart. And if it's alot of poeple, they are usually trying to impress the cool crowd.

2 Teen Talk:

Meg said...

So true! This reminded me of a book I'm reading by Jenna Lucado called Redefining Beautiful that also has some great advice on beauty.

Z'erra said...

Thank you soo much for commenting. I will check out that book.

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